All coupon codes have an expiration date, and using a code past the expiration date results in an error message, because the code is no longer valid. If you forget to use the coupon code by the expired date, or the coupon code is expired, we cannot credit back the coupon code amount.

Many of our coupon codes are sent through our Weekly E-mails. It features coupon codes as well as equipment and supply deals from 5% to 40% off!

If you have a valid coupon code, here is how you enter it.

During the checkout sequence, in "Step 2. Information":

  1. Enter the code exactly as you received it. If it has caps or dashes, these must be entered, as well.
  2. Then click "Apply" to activate the code.

You should see the total adjusted by the amount of the code. If the code has expired, then you will see an error message. Once the order has been placed, then it is on it's way to the warehouse, and we cannot make changes to it.

Enter the coupon code at Checkout Step 2 - Information.