It's an exciting time! You’ve finally got your new vinyl cutter, and it’s all set up and ready to cut! There are just a few problems:

  • What settings do you use for the media you’re cutting?
  • Do you use the same speed and force settings for EnduraGLOSS and ORALITE?
  • Do you use the same settings for heat transfer film and cast vinyl?
  • Are the settings the same for your two different cutters?

Finding just the right settings for your material can be a somewhat tedious process. In fact, it’s a common support question we see all the time at SIGNWarehouse. Testing for the right settings eats up some of your precious vinyl, and it can be an annoying and time consuming process. It’s something you’ll need to do anytime you want to use a different material, and unfortunately, the settings aren’t universal for cutters. What works for one cutter isn’t going to work for another. Thankfully, SIGNWarehouse’s Product Support team has been working diligently on a solution to this problem.

We have created a new guide with recommended settings for our supported cutters and materials. That includes settings for Graphtec, Roland DG, Vinyl Express, and Muse. Materials include everything from calendered vinyls to window tint film.

Our guide includes settings for speed and force as well as the recommended blade. You can use this guide as a base for your settings and adjust as needed. Now, instead of wasting time, effort, and vinyl finding your perfect settings, it should take only a few short minutes.

With SIGNWarehouse’s cutting materials guide, finding the perfect settings for your cutter will no longer be a chore. Now, recommended settings for every cutter and and every type of media are at your fingertips.

Click here to download the guide now.